Results for 'R. C. Townsend'

949 found
  1.  13
    The Teaching of English in America and EnglandHigh School English Instruction TodayA Study of the Teaching of English in Selected British Secondary Schools.R. C. Townsend, James R. Squire & Roger K. Applebee - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 3 (2):153.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]William T. Lowe, Jack K. Campbell, Jack Conrad Willers, John R. Thelin, Barbara Townsend, W. Bruce Leslie, Anthony A. Defalco, Frederick L. Silverman, Edward G. Rozycki, Gertrude Langsam, Alanson van Fleet, Michael Story, James M. Giarelli, J. J. Chambliss, J. E. Christensen & Kenneth C. Schmidt - 1982 - Educational Studies 13 (1):51-86.
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  3. LODGE, R. C. -Plato's Theory of Education. [REVIEW]R. C. Cross - 1948 - Mind 57:537.
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  4. "C.S. Evans, "Kierkegaard's "Fragments" and "Postscript": The religious philosophy of Johannes Climacus".R. C. Roberts - 1984 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):175.
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  5. Tales of 2 sites-the quasimodularity of language.Tg Bever, C. Carrithers & Dj Townsend - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):345-345.
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    Leibniz & Arnauld: A Commentary on Their Correspondence.R. C. Sleigh - 1990 - Yale University Press.
  7. Why qualia cannot be quined.R. C. Pradhan - 2002 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 19 (2):85-102.
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    A note on sense-data and depth perception.R. C. Meyers - 1971 - Mind 80 (July):437-440.
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    Epistemic set theory is a conservative extension of intuitionistic set theory.R. C. Flagg - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (4):895-902.
  10. Systemic crisis and the non-profit sector: Toward a political economy of the nonprofit health and social services.C. Estes & R. R. Alford - 1991 - Theory Society 19 (2):173-198.
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  11. Emotion socialization, attachment and adult personality traits.C. Magai, N. Distel & R. Liker - 1995 - Cognition and Emotion 9 (5).
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    Testing predictions and gaining insights from dynamic state-variable models.R. C. Ydenberg - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):109-110.
  13.  23
    (1 other version)No Title available: REVIEWS.R. C. Zaehner - 1968 - Religious Studies 3 (2):561-562.
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    No Title available.R. C. Zaehner - 1968 - Religious Studies 3 (2):568-569.
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    Symposium: Is There an Element of Immediacy in Knowledge?R. I. Aaron & C. M. Campbell - 1934 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 13 (1):203 - 236.
  16.  37
    Truth of Freedom.C. R. Agera - 2010 - Journal of Human Values 16 (2):127-142.
    The title may be understood in three ways. Firstly, the truth under study is the truth about freedom. We speak of the truth of something, in as much as we presume that there are many misconceptions about that something, and it stands in need of clarification. Thus, the many misconceptions about freedom will have to be divested, if freedom is to be rightly grasped. Secondly, in the sense that there is a truth in the core of freedom, indeed, truth is (...)
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    An integrative model of organizational trust.R. C. Mayer, J. H. Davis & F. D. Schoorman - 1995 - Academy of Management Review 20.
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    Plato's Republic.R. C. Cross - 1964 - New York,: St. Martin's Press. Edited by A. D. Woozley.
  19. Selected subject bibliography on creativity.R. Romanyshym & C. Gratton - 1966 - Humanitas 1 (3):357-371.
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  20. Textual mediation of learning in Further Education.C. Satchwell & R. Ivanic - 2009 - In Richard Edwards, Gert Biesta & Mary Thorpe, Rethinking Contexts for Learning and Teaching: Communities, Activites and Networks. Routledge.
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    What is Quantum Mechanics? A Minimal Formulation.R. Friedberg & P. C. Hohenberg - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (3):295-332.
    This paper presents a minimal formulation of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, by which is meant a formulation which describes the theory in a succinct, self-contained, clear, unambiguous and of course correct manner. The bulk of the presentation is the so-called “microscopic theory”, applicable to any closed system S of arbitrary size N, using concepts referring to S alone, without resort to external apparatus or external agents. An example of a similar minimal microscopic theory is the standard formulation of classical mechanics, which (...)
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    Mediaeval art and America.C. R. Morey - 1944 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 7 (1):1-6.
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  23. Biomolecular archaeology: past, present and future.R. E. M. Hedges & B. C. Sykes - 1992 - In Hedges R. E. M. & Sykes B. C., New Developments in Archaeological Science. pp. 267-283.
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    Ethical Disagreement.R. C. Cross - 1950 - Philosophy 25 (95):301 - 315.
    In his 1947 British Academy lecture on Naturalistic Ethics, Mr. W. F. R. Hardie is concerned to ask himself whether a naturalistic theory of ethics can give a “satisfactory account of our moral knowledge or convictions,” or whether some form of non-naturalism is demanded by our moral experience. It will be remembered that after a careful sifting and examination of certain features of our moral knowledge or convictions, Mr. Hardie suspends judgment between naturalism and non-naturalism, observing that “on the one (...)
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    Towards a metaphorical biology.R. C. Paton - 1992 - Biology and Philosophy 7 (3):279-294.
    The metaphorical nature of biological language is examined and the use of metaphors for providing the linguistic context in which similarities and differences are made is described. Certain pervasive metaphors which are characterised by systemic properties are noted, and in order to provide some focus to the study, systemic metaphors associated with machine, text and organism are discussed. Other systemic metaphors such as society and circuit are also reported. Some details concerning interrelations between automaton and organism are presented in the (...)
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  26. Zurvan: A Zoroastrian Dilemma.R. C. Zaehner - 1955 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 17 (3):554-556.
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  27. Physiology of GABA inhibition in the hippocampus.R. C. Malenka, R. Andrade & R. A. Nicoll - 1987 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 8 (4):549-557.
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    A correlation form with absolute checks.R. C. Tryon - 1934 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 17 (3):477.
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    Letters to the editor.R. C. Westerman - 1996 - Complexity 2 (1):5-5.
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  30. The Business Ethics Study Team, Required Behavior: An Introduction to the US Sentencing Guidelines and Corporate Compliance.R. C. Solomon - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13:170-170.
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    Nietzsche as Analytic Philosopher.R. C. Solomon - 1971 - Modern Schoolman 48 (3):263-266.
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    The Anglican Response to Locke's Theory of Personal Identity.R. C. Tennant - 1982 - Journal of the History of Ideas 43 (1):73-90.
    The article sets out aspects of locke's theory of personal identity which were seen by contemporaries to be not only fallacious but also to conflict with christian doctrine regarding the soul. A modified theory is then educed, From berkeley, Butler, William law and other divines, Which avoids these fallacies, Is epistemologically more rigorous and arguably expressed christian doctrine more accurately. This is seen as a forerunner of some central concerns of romantic theology.
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    Philosophy in the Contemporary World-Situation.R. C. Pandeya - 1983 - der 16. Weltkongress Für Philosophie 1:105-112.
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    M. Detienne: Dionysos mis a mort. Pp. 234; 3 plates. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1977. Paper.R. C. T. Parker - 1979 - The Classical Review 29 (01):168-169.
  35.  47
    Some comments upon the “good reasons” approach in ethical theory.R. C. Perry - 1984 - Journal of Value Inquiry 18 (3):233-236.
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    Philosophy of Wittgenstein: Indian responses.R. C. Pradhan (ed.) - 2001 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    Papers presented in a National Seminar on "Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Language", held in Feb. 24-26, 1999, at Hyderabad, India.
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    Facts and the Factitious in Natural Sciences.R. C. Lewontin - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 18 (1):140-153.
    The problem that confronts us when we try to compare the structure of discourse and explanation in different domains of knowledge is that no one is an insider in more than one field, and insider information is essential. An observer who is not immersed in the practice of a particular scholarship and who wants to understand it is at the mercy of the practitioners. Yet those practitioners are themselves mystified by a largely unexamined communal myth of how scholarship is carried (...)
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    Psychological models for relating discrimination and magnitude estimation scales.C. E. Helm, S. Messick & L. R. Tucker - 1961 - Psychological Review 68 (3):167-177.
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    III.—Judgment as the Fundamental Act in Knowledge.C. R. Morris - 1926 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 26 (1):53-68.
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  40. Lettre de Mgr Merry del Val.M. C. R. - 1909 - Revue Thomiste 17 (1/6):4.
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  41. At Home in the Universe.R. C. Henry - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25:1637-1640.
  42. 'The handmaiden of industry': Marine science and fisheries development in south Africa 1895-1939.C. Revelle, S. Snyder, P. Nagels, E. Sleeckx, R. Callaerts, L. Tichy & L. Sittert - 1995 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 26 (4):531-558.
    The preparation of layers of amorphous Se by plasma-enhanced CVD using the hydride H2Se as precursor gas is described. Information concerning the structure of the films was obtained from Raman spectroscopy. The spectra of amorphous Se indicated that the dominant molecular structure is the eight-membered ring and/or a chain with Se8 molecular fragments. This material exhibited reversible photodarkening when illuminated at 77 K. In order to explain this phenomenon, we propose a mechanism which takes into account the role of the (...)
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  43. Tr Sukarno's wier brieven'.R. C. Kwantes - 1987 - Bijdragen 143.
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    Epistemic and intuitionistic formal systems.R. C. Flagg & H. Friedman - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 32:53-60.
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    Heidegger Plus.C. R. Bukala - 1983 - Philosophy Today 27 (2):154-168.
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    Good Will and Ill Will. A Study in Moral Judgments.R. C. Cross - 1952 - Philosophical Quarterly 2 (8):281.
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  47. Floor systems with composite form reinforced concrete slabs.C. E. Ekberg & R. M. Schuster - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif..
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    XI.Alkmans Partheneion.R. C. Kukula - 1907 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 66 (1-4):202-230.
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    Antwoord aan J. M. W. Verhaar.R. C. Kwant - 1962 - Bijdragen 23 (2):190-199.
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    News and Activities.C. R. - 1928 - Modern Schoolman 5 (1):14-14.
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